
Infinitus 2010 draws hard-core Potter fans


Infinitus 2010 drew Potter fans from different nooks, crannies, and corners of the world. Infinitus was a huge convention for Potter nerds, like IAAPA is for the Amusement Industry and the nerds that follow it. Most of the events happened at Universal’s on site hotels, but it did offer a visit to Islands of Adventure to check out The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

The event kicked off this past thursday with events like Wizard’s chess. While there was no chess playing involved, there was choreographed dancing. The event kicked off and the show floor was open with art from fans, people dressed in witch and wizard get-up, and small booths with CDs, and other things a witch or wizard might need.

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Friday was a big day for the event. There was so much going on, our was only able to check out a few things. One of those things was the “Night of a thousand wizards”. Universal billed this event to bring something never before seen to the Wizarding World. Tables, buffet lines, candy sampling, and an open bar. Did I mention it was filled with Potter fans? What an experience.

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During the day and later in the evening, a few events happened. A performance called “The Final Battle”, which I believe was the sequal to Very Potter Musical occured, featuring many recognizable characters from the series, including Potter, Hagrid, Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Later in the evening, a poolside showing of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, and Harvey Putter.

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While these are just small snippets of the entire event, the event was huge and lasted until Sunday when it wrapped up and departed Orlando.

Photos courtesy of the Horror Nights Collector.