
Rob Zombie’s Great American Nightmare returning this September with new haunts and new location


Rob Zombie’s movie creations are just flat out disturbing. That’s a good thing. The horror that he directs taps into something a little more primal and definitely gory than most. Haunted attractions were a natural fit for Zombie’s films,  and they made a huge splash last October. This September the madness is back, only this time he’s bringing it to a new city with an all new line up, plus some returning favorites.


Beginning September 19th, Rob Zombie is back with his Great American Nightmare.  For 20 select nights, beginning September 19th and sprawling all the way through November 1st, the Westworld of Scottsdale, Arizona area will fall victim to one of the most hilarious and harrowing horror experiences they’ve ever encountered.

“The first year was such a blast. I am thrilled to be able to take the Great American Nightmare to a new city this year,” said Zombie. “My only goal is to make it even sicker than last year.”

This year brings back favorite character a with some new twists.
Here’s the full haunt line up:

The Lords Of Salem In Total Black Out:This harrowing attraction–based onZombie’s 2012 The Lords Of Salemindependent horror film–is designed to twist the mind. It will accentuate some senses while limiting others. Fear of the darkness, claustrophobia, and fear of theunknown will be preyed on as visitors attempt to traverse this sixty-degreemaze.


Captain Spaulding’s Clown School In 3D:This irreverent school of pure terror is a hallucinogenic trip through the mind of Captain Spaulding (House Of 1000 Corpses, The Devil’s Rejects). Startle after startle will thoroughly frighten the bravest patrons, who won’t know if they should be laughing, screaming or crying.


The Devil’s Rejects: The murderous, backwoods Firefly family takes to the road to escape a vengeful police force that isn’t afraid of being as ruthless as its target. Guests will become part of the state troopers’ search and destroy mission against the Firefly family, who are wanted for over 75 homicides and disappearances.

The experience is a little bit different from last year, which featured Haunt of 1,000 corpses, El Super Beasto in 3D, and Lords of Salem.
Check out what you can expect from this year’s event by checking out videos of last year’s haunts.
Video – The sexy world of El Super Beasto in 3D

Video – Haunt of 1,000 Corpses

Last year was a blast, and rather unorthodox as guests walked through the three houses. The highlight was just the sheer insane eye candy as guests entered El Super Beasto 3D by entering a woman…through her lady parts. It was definitely not for kids.
In addition,  Rob Zombie himself will be on hand opening night to perform live in concert. Tickets will go on sale this Friday the 13th, and will be available for a special price of just $25 dollars each from September 20th – November 1st. Tickets include entry into the houses and access to Bloody Boulevard which features roaming characters, musical acts, vendors and more. Tickets for opening night are $45 dollars and include access to the Rob Zombie concert as well as haunts and Bloody Boulevard.
Stay tuned for more haunted, horror filled fun,  and be sure to get social with us on Facebook and follow along with us on Twitter @BehindThrills for the latest updates!
For more information about Rob Zombie’s Great American Nightmare,  including tickets, visit the official website by clicking here!